Ryan's parents kept Halle and Shannon kept Lexi. Unfortunately, both Lexi and Dylan had the "piggy" flu while we were gone. Shannon was quite the trooper to take care of her. I felt so bad that I wasn't there to take care of here, but Shannon did a great job.
The game was a lot of fun and the Utes won...YEAH!!! I got my picture taken with Swoop and the weather was great. Watching football in the cold is not my idea of a good time.

We also went to the Pumpkin Patch, but it was a pretty quick trip. We had to go one night after Lexi's dance and it was COLD. Although it was cold, we were able to find some really good pumpkins. Ryan was such a good daddy and he carved them all for us.

Halloween was a fun day. We had lunch with Shannon, Kody, Ashlie, Grandma Jil and Grandpa Rick. We went to the Pizza Factory and the kids had a lot of fun.
While we were in Vegas, we also went and saw Jay Leno perform. He is so funny, he doesn't stop for a second. We also went to the Return of the Caveman show. It was pretty funny.
Ryan and I took a ride to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel. It was pretty cool. You can see the entire city from up there. The water show at the Bellagio was just starting and we were able to see that - it was a great show!!!
We started the Halloween season by taking the girls to Gardner Village to see the witches. Halle thought it was great, but Lexi wasn't so sure. It was so cute to see them together and for Lexi to show Halle around. They are such good little sisters.
That night there was a Utah game. Ryan decided that he would rather stay home and trick or treat and watch the game on TV. We invited some of our friends and family over to watch the game and have dinner. It was a lot of fun having people over.
I got Lexi and Halle's costumes online and they were so stinkin' cute. Lexi was a Black Cat and Halle was a witch. She had a darling hat, but she refused to keep it on, even for one picture. She also had cute little bloomers that said "Boo". She wasn't so sure what to think of this dressing up, but she was a trooper.
Lexi went Trick or Treating for a while, but she had more fun opening the door and giving out candy.
It was a great Halloween season and we can't wait until next year!!
1 comment:
What is this...a new post! I lvoe it! Your girls are looking so dang cute! Halle is a doll!
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