Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cute Stuff

Ryan and I teach the CTR 8 class in primary. Our kids are so cute and we love each of them. We look forward to seeing each of them every week.

Since they are all seven years old and getting ready to turn eight, I wanted to do something fun for each of their baptisms. I saw this idea on line and thought I could do that. I ordered the vinyl letters online and I found the cute frames at Ikea. This was so easy to do.

I hope each of the kids likes their frames, because I sure had fun making them!!!

Girls Day Out!!

This past Monday my mom, sisters and I had a fun day out. It was a great time for all of us.

I TIVO Good Things Utah everyday and I watch it every night while getting ready for the next day. I have always thought it would be fun to go be a part of the audience. Monday was the day that we all could take off work and had available.
It was a lot of fun. All of the people at the show were so nice. They gave us free movie tickets, a coupon book to the Gateway and some coupons to a local spa.
After the show, we all went to lunch at Stella's. It is a lot like the Pub at Trolley Square, it was very yummy!!! After lunch, we all went shopping.
Shopping with my two sisters is quite the experience. I always vow to lose twenty pounds after shopping with them. It is kind of depressing watching them buy their size 2 and 4 clothes...oh well, what can I do. I was able to find some cute new stuff for spring, which is always great.
We had such a fun day. I am so lucky to have my family so close and for us to all have such a great relationship. I love them so much - I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them around.
I can't wait for our next day out!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Beckstead Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

Cookie Monster??

You Are Cookie Monster
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth. You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around. You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Administrative Assistants Day

Today was a fun day at work. If you look at your calendar, you will notice that today was "Administrative Assistant's Day". This isn't a holiday that you get a day off of work or one that they make a wreath for the door, but it is a holiday anyway.

I bought the people that I work with cute little boxes with yummy "Moose Munch" from Harry & David. It wasn't much, but I hope they liked it.

My boss took me out to lunch today. We went to Macaroni Grill, which is one of my favorites. I could eat a whole loaf of the bread all by myself. It was so yummy!!! We went with two other people from work and had a great time.

Another surprise was waiting for me later that day. My boss and the entire sales team sent me a delicious fruit bouquet. The picture doesn't do it justice. The fruit tasted FANTASTIC!!!
I couldn't believe what a nice day I had. I am lucky to work with such good people and it is nice to know how much I am appreciated.

Park City Fun

This weekend, Grandpa Brad and Grandma Susan invited us to Park City to spend some time in a condo that had.
We left on Friday night. After stopping for some yummy food at the Loco Lizard, we were off to the condo.

Lexi really liked the condo. She was most excited that she got to sleep in the bunk beads with Whitney and she couldn't believe that Chazes bed came out of the wall.
Everyone was excited to take Lexi swimming, but she didn't want to go. She is used to swimming in the pool at the St. George condo and didn't want to do anything different. Once we got her down to the pool, she was all set!!!

The next morning, Daddy and Chaz went down to the Utah spring game, while the girls went shopping. Grandma Susan, Lexi and I spent a lot of time (and money) at the Park City outlet mall. We had a lot of fun. We found a lot of cute spring clothes.
Later that night we all went to main street in Park City. We walked all the way down and all the way back up. We went into all the fun stores along the way. Lexi wasn't so sure about the crazy "animals" that we ran into a long the way, but she was a good sport about getting her picture taken with them. Chazzy was missing his snowboard when he saw all the snow.
Ryan and I went to a nice dinner that night while Grandma and Grandpa kept Lexi for play. It was nice to get out by ourselves and have dinner.
I wasn't able to find a substitute for primary on Sunday, so I had to head home on Saturday night, but Ryan and Lexi stayed up for more fun. They came home on Sunday night after a day of exploring and having fun with the X-Box and the pool table.
Thank you to Grandma Susan and Grandpa Brad for inviting us along for a fun vacation!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh No!!! Play Dough

Lexi and I sometimes have a power struggle over one of her favorite activities. Lexi LOVES to play with play dough and I HATE the mess it makes. Nine times out of ten, the only time Lexi gets to play with play dough is when daddy is in charge.

Lexi has been better at playing and cleaning up her play dough, so when she came in and asked if she could play play dough once dinner was cleaned up, I couldn't help but say yes. I forgot that I had to throw away the last tub on dough we had because it had gotten hard. Once I said yes, I couldn't bear to tell her no.

I decided I would just make her some dough. After looking to find a recipe that I had all the ingredients for, we started mixing. Lexi thought the mixing of the dough was almost as fun as making the dough.

She picked out the colors she wanted. She really wanted pink dough, so I was happy I got the color right. She also picked yellow and pink.

As you can see, she involves the entire kitchen drawer for play dough. I think this is the first time some of these items have been used.
She was so happy. The entire time I was playing with her, she kept saying "I love you, mommy". That made cleaning up the mess totally worth it. It is times like these that I need to remember this saying:
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things"
PS - Don't you love Lexi's "do" - This is the standard look after 6:00 and a long day of playing hard!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Fool's Day

For some reason, I was really excited about April Fool's day this year. I think it might be because I thought Lexi might have some sort of idea what it is all about.

I made candy bars for Lexi to take to day care. I bought Hershey's bars and put a fake wrapper on them so they said they were "Reese's Sneezes". The kid's probably didnt' understand the joke, but I sure had a fun time making them. I got the idea from the Family Fun website. They always have such fun ideas on celebrating with little kids.

As I was leaving for work that morning, I told Lexi I was going to ride my bike to church. That stopped her in her tracks. She wanted to know why I was going to church without her. I told her it was just a joke and to have a happy April Fools. She just looked at me like I was crazy.

I played one more funny joke at work and my day was complete. I had a lot of fun, but I was weary all day that someone was trying to get me. I am glad the day only comes once a year!!!!

Easter Morning

I lost my camera which is why I haven't posted these pictures until now. I finally found it with the empty Easter eggs. I don't know what I was thinking!!!

Lexi had a really fun Easter. She woke up early in the morning and was ready to hunt Easter eggs. The Easter Bunny hid quite a few, so it took her a while. She thought it was extra funny that the Bunny hid eggs in her bathtub and with her toothbrush. She kept telling me what a silly bunny he was.

The Easter Bunny also left Lexi a great big basket with a lot of fun toys in it. He left her a bubble mower so she can help daddy this year with the lawn. He also left her a cute Strawberry Shortcake doll and a pretty bow and bracelet to wear with her new Easter dress.

After church, we went to Grandma Jil's for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. Our dinner was delicious and Lexi and her cousins had a great time hunting Easter eggs. The eggs weren't hidden very hard, but they still had a lot of fun.

It was a great Easter day for our little family.