Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh No!!! Play Dough

Lexi and I sometimes have a power struggle over one of her favorite activities. Lexi LOVES to play with play dough and I HATE the mess it makes. Nine times out of ten, the only time Lexi gets to play with play dough is when daddy is in charge.

Lexi has been better at playing and cleaning up her play dough, so when she came in and asked if she could play play dough once dinner was cleaned up, I couldn't help but say yes. I forgot that I had to throw away the last tub on dough we had because it had gotten hard. Once I said yes, I couldn't bear to tell her no.

I decided I would just make her some dough. After looking to find a recipe that I had all the ingredients for, we started mixing. Lexi thought the mixing of the dough was almost as fun as making the dough.

She picked out the colors she wanted. She really wanted pink dough, so I was happy I got the color right. She also picked yellow and pink.

As you can see, she involves the entire kitchen drawer for play dough. I think this is the first time some of these items have been used.
She was so happy. The entire time I was playing with her, she kept saying "I love you, mommy". That made cleaning up the mess totally worth it. It is times like these that I need to remember this saying:
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things"
PS - Don't you love Lexi's "do" - This is the standard look after 6:00 and a long day of playing hard!!!!

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